College Credit
There's a lot going on. Let us help.
All students who enter Western directly after graduating from high school are considered first-year students for admission purposes even if they earned college credit while in high school.
There are many ways to earn college credit while in high school. These include dual enrollment programs like Running Start and College in the High School and earning minimum scores on AP, IB, and Cambridge International exams.
First-year students who earn college credit while in high school are eligible for first-year student scholarships. They are also granted advanced standing and major course access when appropriate.
Running Start and College in the High School
Your Running Start or College in the High School courses transfer the same as they would for transfer students according to our transfer credit policies. For a list of courses that transfer from Washington state colleges and universities, please review our Transfer Course Equivalency Guide.
For the list of one year transfer courses that can be taken at a Washington state community or technical college, please review the Washington 45.
Credit by Exam
Western grants up to 45 credits for any combination of credit by examination, Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), and Cambridge International examinations.
How to Receive Credit
Official college transcripts or test scores are required before college credit can be granted.
College Transcripts and Exam Scores
If you're taking courses through Running Start or College in the High School, you will need to ask your current college to send an official transcript to Western before we can award credit; where possible, electronic transcripts are preferred. (Once you have graduated you will also need to submit your high school transcript with your graduation date).
We cannot award college credit from high school transcripts. The sooner you get your college transcripts to us the sooner we can award your college credit.
Procedures for sending official exam results are available below.